Reason, desire and love
Reason, desire and love. How can we recognise the non-lover from the lover in a relationship? Two principles are in convivence in our inside. They are reason and desire, which are usually in opposition. These presence tends to the victory of temperance (rationally) or – more commonly – the excess (irrationally). Terrenal passions are the enemy of true love and we need time, proximity and mutual proofs. All in one to get our soul attached to another in a clean and eternal way.
But is it possible to see the world transformed into a scene of heavenly beauty? Can we do that without to previously feel on our lips the flavour of hell? Is it true that there are two loves, a love of the mind and a love of the body? Or is the unholy love a way to the gift of the eternal love, a necessary path to the accurate love of the mind?
No matter which could be our personal opinion. As the Phaedrus dialogue of Plato is a true expression of the permanent research and an exploration in the human’s inside. Consequently it places a light in our spirit’s shadows. So could be true that love has both physical and metaphysical aspects. And then is eros not only a physical force but an espiritual one? Or is the way to join thinking and feeling by the way of the physical bodies. Philosophy is a matter of minds but runs on the roads of human flesh.
Sources for Reason, desire and love:
Phaedrus, by Plato (Benjamin Jowett translation)